The Performance Pro

Sunday, October 21, 2012

WI Coalition for Asthma Meets our "Elephant on My Chest" Book

Had a great time in Kenosha, WI, at the Wi. Coalition for Asthma Conference.  At the kick off dinner opener, I had the opportunity to give a 15 minute "Introduction to Laughter Wellness" to those in attendance who work in healthcare and asthma related facilities in Wisconsin.   Then the next day we had our booth set up, sharing information on our great little 'companion' book "Elephant on My Chest" .

Interestingly this little book was written as a senior project by my son, David,  when he was a graphic design student at College. I thought it was packed with value for the child struggling to grow up with asthma so finally had it published.
Because of it being medically based and yet written in a child's terms, it's warmth and encouragement is being recognized.  Today it's being seen as a great little tool to help all kids understand what asthma really is.   Feel free to check it out on or visit our website

Our Laugh for the Health of it Program is hitting the mark.  Globally people are jumping on the
band wagon and discovering that laughing does make one feel better -- and so much more! From healing & building your immunity, to coping and even living longer.

Whether life is dealing you more than your share of burnt toast or you having a woe-is-me kind of day, there are times when laughing just isn't on your list.  There is no question that there are high stress days when it seems like the world has dumped on you -- whether you lost your job, dealing with illness, spilled milk, or a multitude of other things.  Why should you laugh?  And, what exactly can you do to knock yourself out of the doldrums and put the twinkle back into your eye?

We know that laughing makes a multitude of good things happen physiologically to the human body, it not only makes us feel better, makes us healthier, and helps bridge relationships.  It can help make tough times a little easier and help us to cope.  Interestingly, over 3/4 of terminally ill patients said they wished their family members and caregivers used more humor.  Here's some tips to help spark up and hone your funny bone.
  • Take your biggest aggravation (whether a thing, situation or person) and give it a funny name.
  • Be silly--think absurd; stretch your thoughts; how would re redefine a situation comically?
  • Start your collection of funny things--favorite jokes, bubbles to blow, a crazy tie or whatever lifts you up. Look around you for the funny.
  • Instead of dessert at your dinner table, have a family funny- each telling something that happened, they saw, or experienced that day. A great training for seeing life's sunny side.