The Performance Pro

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


All other things being equal, studies show that pay is not the most important thing to employees. It is the feeling of being appreciated, wanted and, yes, even loved. Did I say “love” ?? Since when did we ever think of love when it comes to the people we do business with?!
It is amazing to me that we make some things so difficult. Take Customer Service
for example. If we put it into the basic concept of love, it becomes pretty simple. It’s the same with sales, or inside relationships. According to the Webster dictionary love is:
unselfish, loyal, and benevolent concern for another. When we react to others with love, we are in essence saying we care about you, we want to help you. In sales there’s a saying “Everyone wants to buy, but no one wants to be sold to”, when you keep in mind that you are providing a service out of concern for another—it no longer becomes the traditional pressured selling.
Employers today who are the most successful at employee retention and growing their
business, are those who use the basic concept and understand the power of love. These
are the companies who recognize their employees as individuals, nurture their spirit, and
help them to succeed.
Tim Sanders, a Yahoo Senior executive, speaks out his belief in a recent Fast Company
article on the subject. According to Tim, “: Love is the act of intelligently and sensibly sharing your knowledge, networks and compassion with your business partners. Be as human as you can and find the courage to express genuine emotion in the world of work.” This is a refreshing viewpoint to be found in a magazine read predominately
by Generation-X. In his book On Caring, Milton Mayeroff, describes love as the selfless promotion of the growth of the other.
The key that makes this work, is the fact that this must done with a sincere concern for the well being of your employees. If there is no sincerity it doesn’t work. When done with sincerity, you will be positioning yourself in a position of respect. It will ultimately come back to you ten-fold.
Most of us possess a basic protective tendency to take what we know, hoard it and hide it somewhere safe under lock and key—lest anyone else should benefit from the same
knowledge. We do that out of our own insecurities. We think if we keep all this knowledge, it makes us more special, it sets us apart. And in actuality it does just that—it sets us apart, but not the way we had intended. This practice sabotages the very thing we were trying to accomplish in the first place -- the perception of our value and importance.
All the knowledge in the world doesn’t mean anything, until you share it with others.
Open your door. A seemingly ‘safe’ way to manage a company is to keep your door closed and go about your business – and believe it or not there are still those that do just that. This sends a loud clear message that management is unapproachable and basically nutures a “I don’t care really about you” culture. The negative undertones of this type of management can sabotage organizational goals.
Depending on the type of work culture you are instilling, your employees may find this practice of love easy or difficult. To create a more motivating work culture, put love is at the pulse of your company and watch the benefits multiply. How to get started?

· Have an Open door policy – and keep the door open!
· What can you do for them?
· Let them know you are there to help them succeed any way you can
· If you need to lay people off, let them know you will help them in getting
another position in any way you are able.
· Be an advocate of your employee. Don’t blame. Approach the situation as one
who is there to help. “What do we need to do to improve the situation?”
· Do not take things personally
· Consider the benefits of improving your own communication skills. Joining a local Toastmasters Club or hiring a personal coach may reap big benefits to your management success.
Remember the power of love.

A certain magic happens when you help others to fly,
their wings lift you up.”

D. Kinza Christenson, The Performance Pro
Keynote, Banquet Speaker & Trainer
262-567-6817 *
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Every once in awhile, there appears someone in our life who can be hurtful, and downright mean. This is the person, perhaps a coworker, who is all smiles and friendly when they are with you, but the minute you turn your back, you get it. He shares a confidence you shared, may repeat things you said or talk to your boss or your other coworkers about you. While you suspect is happening, often a true friend will confirm and alert you to the fact that this is happening.

Realize that usually this is an individual who is focused 100% on his own agenda and is probably dealing with some fears, insecurities, or anger-- and he doesn’t care who he has to hurt to reach his own goals. Unfortunately he can seriously damage your reputation along the way – say nothing about your feelings and performance. So, what can you do?

1. If the individual’s behavior is observed and experienced by others, join forces. Propose a plan that you join forces in. The next time the Backstabber says something about ‘Sharon’ who is not present; those who are present can respond: “I’m sure Sharon had good intentions;” or, “I would hope that no one would ever really think that way” or “I just don’t care to listen to your negative judgments anymore.” When the Backstabber realizes he has no allies to fuel his venom, it may stop him in his tracks.

2. If you determine you are on your own. Avoid him. When you can’t avoid him, watch what you say. Do not share your opinion or any information that could be used to sabotage you.

3. Find a private opportunity with the back stabber when you can confront him. You just need a few moments. Set you emotions aside and remain composed-- don’t show anger or make a threat. Then look him in the eye and say, “Don’t ever do that again.” Backs tabbers will usually plead innocence, just expect it. Simply restate your position. “Don’t ever do that again.” You will be sending the message that you will not tolerate this type of behavior.

4. Keep documentation of the things he does. It may come in handy one day.

5. If the behavior continues or you feel it is affecting your performance, you need to talk with your supervisor. Give him specific instances. Explain what the Backstabber’s strategy has been with you and why you are distancing yourself from him. He may or may not already know, but having your insight may prompt a solution. At the very least he will appreciate having a better understanding of what is going on.