Call to Action comes out of Newtown's Tragedy
The recent tragedy in the Newtown shool massacre have spawned some thoughts here. It's been years, since I wrote to t-v stations regarding their programming of violence and low moral content....Imagine the different society we could have, had they listened, and fed us nuturing programs on healthy relationships and positive content, rather than dive deeper into some of the worst of the worst. Today we have added the destructive games on techie toys, manufactured in too many cases by greed not for healthy educational purposes. Then they are brought into homes by parents who welcome their kid's quiet absorption, unaware of the brain programming they are providing and the consequences.
And then there are the gun laws, why were repeater magnum guns ever allowed to be sold in this country? It is time we act and use common sense as our guide. If we want to live in peace, there have to be rules -- it was once said that "no one has the right to all of their rights". The pervading sense of entitlement is robbing us of "peace and good will to all." It's time to stand up, be strong, be heard and answer Newtown's victims call.
This holiday season, may we make this our New Year's mission:
And then there are the gun laws, why were repeater magnum guns ever allowed to be sold in this country? It is time we act and use common sense as our guide. If we want to live in peace, there have to be rules -- it was once said that "no one has the right to all of their rights". The pervading sense of entitlement is robbing us of "peace and good will to all." It's time to stand up, be strong, be heard and answer Newtown's victims call.
This holiday season, may we make this our New Year's mission:
May we have peace on earth; good
will to all;
I say it’s time we answer the common
sense call.
Throw out the desensitizing, techi toy battle grounds;
Black out the TV where murder lessons
Did you now, what
goes into one’s brain, stays, and new
pathways for action are born.
Protect the children, fill their
minds with love
not violence and scorn;
So throw out complacency and the “everyone
else does it” excuse,
It’s just not working and is a
form of damaging abuse.
It’s time we dump the bullying and name
calling too.
(Adults: I’m talking to YOU too.)
Enforce rules. Throw out the guns.
Actively teach your kids that kindness and joy are cool.
Let lessons of love; laughter flow.
in the end…We reap what we sow.