The Performance Pro

Thursday, November 08, 2007


We used to watch an occasional evening detective program, but quite frankly I refuse to watch another autopsy or torture take place in my living room. This season’s version have reached new depths of morbidity and gruesome acts of violence. And then there’s the Computer games – what are we thinking anyway?!

The "Monkey see, monkey do" concept is pretty simple. So what is it that our society doesn’t get?

I would not be surprised to learn that an anti-America terrorist organization was funding our media programming. Surely, we wouldn't do this to ourselves.

In case your common sense needs a boost, consider this:
- In research done over the past 30 years, they found that kids between 6 and 9 years of age who watched heavy violence were twice as likely to be physically aggressive, the men were 3 times more likely to convicted of criminal behavior.

-The computer games of today are changing the way our children’s brain function.

-Studies show the shooting games heighten the aggressiveness. According to L. Rowell Huesmann, Social Psychologist: Watching violence also “primes” aggressive scripts and beliefs, creating a heightened level of neural excitation that spreads to other thoughts stored in nearby areas of the brain. Paradoxically, then, exposure to violent media violence both decreases emotional response to violence and increases neurological arousal —a one-two punch that can be lethal.

What can parents do? Take back the job- or privilege- of entertaining their children. (You might want to rethink those Christmas presents.)

What can companies do?

1. Incorporate into wellness programs, education on the affects of media-induced violence and the resulting lack of sleep, on an employee’s job attitude and productivity.
2. Withdraw sponsorships of violent programming.
3. Create ads that promote positivity and brotherhood.

What can we all do? Stop following like sheep. Turn off tube and dump the gadgets. Write emails and letters to tv stations; and be vocal. Get back to the basics. Demand our rights to positive programming.
Then, take the family, go outside and play a game of ball.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Image- Why Does It Matter Anyway?

Sloppies and floppies may be fine for watching your favorite ballgame on television or cleaning the garage; but research supports the common-sense notion that direct correlation between one’s respect for oneself and the respect one receives from others.

The way you present yourself to the world can impact your life. It can help you to reach life goals. We are a visual society, others will create a judgment of you in the first 3-7 seconds they meet you. With people remembering what they see 30% longer than what they hear, as you are seen, so shall you be, at least in the mind of others.

A professional image is a sum of many factors: attire, grooming, etiquette, and attitude.

Being professional can do many good things. Professionalism: (As you read the list, after each one, think about what the increased benefits would mean to you.)

· Creates respect
· Raises the bar on your value to the organization.
· Positions you as an authority
· Promotes trust
· Facilitates referrals
· Generates better income
· Dictates how you are treated

The next time you leave the house, consider this:
You are the billboard for the person you want to become. Professional Image? It’s a good thing.